The Importance of Being Ernest Oscar Wilde
Автор: Уайльд Оскар Издательство: Random House, 2016 г. Серия: Vintage Classics Library
Научный редактор: Зародыш Гаврила Тихонович
Дизайн: Подевиров Семён Юлианович
Оформитель: Сугомбаев Лаврентий Григорьевич
Страниц: 421
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2
Аннотация "The Importance of Being Ernest"
Who would have thought a comedy of manners written more than a hundred years ago would still be so apt and so funny? Oscar Wilde was a genius of play-writing, and his deftness, wit and sharp eye for social satire keep audiences in thrall to this day. Alongside Earnest, discover a biblical tragedy retold, Lady Windemere and her infamous fan and Wilde's take on an ideal husband, in this selection of Wilde's most important plays. Скачать The Importance of Being Ernest Oscar Wilde.
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